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Z-COLOR致力於提供消費者專業時尚的美麗宗旨,滿足顧客需求提供不同的造型及以專業的技術展現出個人髮型獨特的風味。 以創意、時尚的髮型設計理念,並培育培訓成專業的美髮設計師人才。 歡迎有熱忱,開朗,有夢想的朋友加入我們, 共創更美好的未來!
Z moto is specializeds in LED lighting system. Our LED emergency warning lights are the best performing, best looking lights available anywhere in the world. Founded in April 2000 as an optical engineering consulting firm, with its great team of engineers and an experienced staff from the manufacturing field Z moto has become an innovator in LED lighting. Our technologically superior patented optical system surpasses all others in quality and brightness. Customers recognize Z moto by our quality, customer service and innovation, which gives us the advantage to stay one step ahead of the competition. Our steady growth is the result of the solid foundation we developed by consulting with the end users in the industry, so that our engineers and designers can produce a product that is superior to all others. Z moto has committed its future to innovation and excellence in quality with strong emphasis on customer satisfaction that is acknowledged by all our customers.
WIFI-Link Technologies TW Ltd. (崴海尼可網路科技)為美國無線網路天線知名品牌之一。專業於戶外高增益無線網路天線及零組件相關無線產品製造及銷售,年銷售天線超過1.000.000 PCS以上。 鑑於台灣無線網路市場越來越蓬勃發展,政府M-Taiwan的導入將成為全世界無線網路領導先驅,但是國內一般市售的網路天線與設備零組件並不普及,且銷售單價都普遍過高。 所以我們公司的經營團隊決定代理WIFI-Link Technologies TW Ltd. (崴海尼可網路科技)在台分公司,將網路天線設備及網路零組件在台灣普及化與平價化,我們公司的產品為美國品牌、台灣製造代工生產,品質有保證並非一般大陸貨,且直接將產品銷售給網路規劃公司、網路設備系統廠商、以及喜歡DIY的網路玩家。 我們將提供比一般市面上更具競爭力的價格,期許成為台灣天線第一大品牌!我們公司有齊全的網路測試儀器設備,每一支增益天線在出貨前均經過HP Agilent 網路分析儀測試OK才能出貨,每一支增益天線也都會附上測試報告以證明訊號品質特性穩定,讓客人收到我們的產品使用上更能增加信心,成為崴海尼可網路 (WIFI-Link™)品牌擁護者,一同分享給大家讓生活上更加便利及節約。
AirLink WiFi Networking Corp. is a Taiwanese Company establish since 2006 as a designer and manufacturer company of RF radio and antennas with 2.4 GHz/5GHz wide area networks of Wi-Fi 802.11 high power devices, providing total solutions for Outdoors & Indoors Hotspots Networks. 2010 we expanded our product line providing Wireless Internet Cameras security system, developed as an easy plug in and play cloud system solution to take care of our customers family. 2013, we expanded to renewable energy solutions, with our Green DC/AC Energy Power System. We provide solar energy power supplies to our AC/DC equipments; like Indoors & Outdoors AP and IP cameras or CCTV cameras in a stable voltage environment to avoid and improve the life of our products in countries with unstable voltage. we developed Access managements gateway/ controllers for our customers to manage their wide site of AP's bandwidth control and traffic management and login portal to create users, radius or vouchers login for guest firewall, VPN and VLAN etc. 2014 Street Lighting System, plug & Play set up step by step, which is use to provide light, their principal source of energy come from the solar panels dial who are being connected underground instead of wiring.
擁有頂尖的專業技術人員及設備,累積上百場以上的專案經驗,舉凡重要慶典、頒獎典禮、商業演唱會、品牌 服裝秀及新品發表會,都是我們的服務範圍。 承攬具代表性的案子:近幾年BMW 大七系列 大5系列 Z 4 高效動力未來車……全部活動、VISA 、美粒果、華航50週年、SONY、高絲、蘭寇.ck.資生堂.四海同心晚會.大甲媽祖.台北燈節.w飯店開幕.新竹跨年.遠雄建設活動、棚內佈景製作含民視、八大、中天、大愛等、及行政院體委會總統府前舉辦的運動會......等活動。
愛捷科技Aizia Tech成立於1986年,至今已24年,是生產製造高級生物科技飲水設備及健康衛浴產品之台灣優良廠商。我們的產品擁有美、日、台、中等多國專利,主要產品外銷全球各地,而2010年起也開始積極開拓國內市場。由於國人越來越 重視身體健康及保養,本公司秉持 一貫的經營理念、實實在在、對社會關懷、提昇生活品質,相信能吸引更多消費者注意我們 貨真價實的產品。倘若您有任何問題想作更進一步了解,煩請撥冗與我們聯絡。謝謝! 對愛捷全體員工而言,AIZIA不僅僅是一個品牌名稱,更是一種堅持的縮寫:堅持不斷技術創新「Applied Innovations」;堅持對健康有所熱誠「Zeal of health」;堅持帶給消費者更好生活「Innovate A better life」。 我們堅持這個理念,從1986年創立以來,始終不斷創新,積極投入水領域的研究,終於研發出獨步全球的技術:超強抗氧化還原能力及極細小水分子集團。 「研發創新」、「健康」、「熱誠」、「更好的生活」,是AIZIA的立足根基。「A」和「I」代表「Applied Innovations 應用創新」,這也是愛捷最重視的理念,「Z」為「Zeal of health 健康熱誠」代表著我們對健康的熱誠,憑藉著這股熱誠,愛捷不斷創新研發出一系列生物科技水處理系統及其他健康產品,帶給消費者從裡到外的健康環境。因為我們相信秉承「創新技術、健康熱誠」的信念,以我們獨步全球的技術,才能帶領著消費者創造出更好的生活,實踐我們「I」和「A」經營理念:「Innovate A better life」,將愛捷品牌精神發揮到極致。
目前接下平座國際貿易新竹.苗栗經銷~有sard改裝精品.Formula Z機油.碧龍油品.樂加速油品.
To integrate resources, when the industry leader Financial Holding's of the two subsidiary, and , June 2009, formally merged and renamed , the total premium and the initial annual premium income Market share after the merger, both was ranked second in the market. control of the country the second large listed financial holding company with strait three to the most complete of the fund financial territory, after the merger of in support of FHC resources full force, jointly toward "Asia, a flow of financial institutions' vision forward. Emphasis on innovative thinking to provide customers a full range of insurance wealth management services to customer demand-oriented, business ideas,to provide customers a full range of financial wealth management services. And actively cultivate financial wealth management talent, the whole force towards a new era of large-scale, international, professional.
2派克東海店,為台中第一間派克直營店,成立於97年。 為大東海地區優質美食小吃,並提供多種炸物及飲品可供顧客選擇。 為了提供更多元的服務,我們也提供內用服務,及店內免費wifi無線上網服務。 對於台中工業地區、中部科學園區、大東海地區,我們也有提供滿額外送服務。
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